Poem: The Moon In Ramadan
By Aguetzalli P.
Although I'm not Muslim, I was inspired to write this poem about Ramadan, with a little help from a friend. Some of our Cal Prep students are fasting this month and praying midday on mats while at school. They neither eat nor drink during the day. Only at sunset can they break their fast until the next day.
Could I do the same? I'm not sure!
Ramadan is the 9th month of the Islamic calendar, in which Muslims take their time to become closer to God. The moon is an important guide for this month since the sighting of the moon signifies the start and the end of the 9th month. A crescent moon signifies the start and the end of the month.
Moon Over Ramadon
By Aquetzali
A bit of dust, Men and space connected Oh, moon of magic wind Glowing, ever present Holding mystery and wonder. I count my days by thy wax and wane You give us light and power.