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Dress to Impress, or Maybe Not

By Emily S., The Grizzly Posts Staff

When returning from summer vacation, most students don't look forward to replacing their blue-jeans with khaki pants, and pulling school uniforms from out of their clothing drawer. This is especially true for Cal Prep students. I mean, why wear a uniform when you could come in comfortable sweats? The dress code is rather ordinary, as most schools with uniforms have the same rules. However, many students don’t follow the dress code–whether it be wearing a hat or hood inside or straight up wearing blue jeans.

From the students I interviewed, Isaac R. said that we should have more pants options. He says, “They should add more pants because we can easily cover up a shirt if it's not in dress code, but we can’t cover up pants.” Another student said that they would rather be able to freely wear their own clothes as it would let them be expressive and comfortable. Only being able to wear a certain set of colors can be very repetitive for many.

In addition, I also interviewed teachers who brought some valid points to the table. Ms. R. noted that the school uniform made everyone more equal, as no one would have to worry about what they’re wearing compared to others. It is also said that it helps students not spend a time-consuming process picking an outfit out in the morning, as all they need to do is put on uniform pants and shirt.

Who’s more valid in this debate on the uniform? Is it the students who face the dress code on a daily basis? Or is it the teachers who provide insightful reasoning behind the dress code?

The Grizzly Posts will conduct a survey in the next few weeks. You can e-mail us with your thoughts at or make a comment below
this post. Remember, we're your voice! But please, be responsible and respectful in your comments.


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